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•   Are you an artist? Healer? Harbinger of sustainable living?

•   Do you have a vision for an inspiring event to co-host?

•   Do you have a talent that you would like a space to share?

•   Are you seeking people and ReSources to activate the potential of your land?

•   Are you interested in being involved in an art/spiritual/healing/sustainable living community?

•   Are you looking for the infrastructure to manifest your dreams?

•   Are you an innovator of DIY (do-it-yourself) culture?

•   Would you like to join your bus to a caravan of buses traveling the country spreading creativity, knowledge,         ideas, healing arts, sustainable living, and spiritual purpose?

•   Are you interested in alternative economy?

•   Are you looking for co-creators to manifest abstract dreams into reality?


If so, reach out to us! We would love to hear your inspirations and ideas about projects you

are working on and how we can be of service!

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